Practical and nutritious solutions for

the most diverse situations

  • Emergency humanitarian aid.
  • Social projects.
  • Children's nutrition programs.
  • Community kitchens.
  • Emergencies and natural disasters.
  • Fighting hunger.
  • Fighting malnutrition.
  • Refugee camps.
  • Remote regions.
  • Animal rescue foods.

Advantages of our solution - comparative

CharacterFresh foodNutrivite Foods
Nutrient preservationThey lose nutrients during preparation.Keep the macronutrients intact.
Caloric supplyCalories may be insufficient.High caloric density, essential in crises.
DurabilityThey usually need refrigeration.Long durability without refrigeration.
Cultural acceptanceIt does not always adapt to all cultures.Greater acceptance by adapting to the local culture.
PreparationIt requires complex preparation, time and utensils.Fast and simple preparation.
Response speed Slower production and distribution.Quick response. Large -scale production.
Diversity of optionsLimited to availability and access.Wide variety of options.
WasteGreater waste due to perishable.Less waste due to the long service life.
TransportComplex logisticsLogistics facilitated by its characteristics and type of packaging.
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